In my first year I have a good grade point but in the second year and in the beginning of third year my grade point is decreasing. I realize it is not good. I must fix it. I must study hard again to increase my grade point. Then I have a grade point target when I graduate. I must reach at least 3.2’s for my grade point average. Thanks God, It works. I have grade point average more than I expect. I have 3.36 for my graduate grade point average.

“As I said before I had new experience which never got it in high school, that is I join in student organization. I had two student organization, that are Student Council in Faculty of Agriculture only for one period and Organization for Socio-Economics Agriculture/Agrobusiness Student for two period”.

I didn’t work well when I occupied as a Staff of Budgetary Commission of Student Council in Faculty of Agriculture. I feel I am not ready yet to be. In the beginning I work hardly but I did not work well later. In the first duty, I become a leader of court. In the beginning I did it successfuly but after time by time I feel no spirit to continue it. My General Chairman in Organization for Socio-Economics Agriculture/Agrobusiness Student calls me to discuss how is happen wrong with me, why am I not work well because he knows my potential. After I had discuss I feel spirit again and I am willing to finish period remaining. But that doesn’t work well when I am spirit the others isn’t work well. Automatically I quit without permission.

In 2008, I join in Socio-Economics Agriculture/Agrobusiness Student Organization until 2009. I am a Staff of Membership Management with mas Lutfi as a group leader. He was being a mentor me. I have a job to manage and raising all of our student in Socio-Economics Agriculture/Agrobusiness Department in their potential, loyality, soft skills, make an organizing committe, and many more. I feel happy join on this organization because I meet kind, funny, smart, and loyal person. They push me up to do better in anytime and I did it. I chose as a the best board.

In 2009, I nominate myself to be a general chairman. It was not easy. I must thinking for a long time before I decided to go to general chairman’s election. My  friends are supporting me. They keep flatter me because they know I deserve to be a general chairman. Finally I elected as a General Chairman of Socio-Economics Agriculture/Agrobusiness Student Organization period for 2009/2010. I am still remember when I win the election with 99 voices. Thanks God, it was like 99 of the God’s name, perfection.

Beside the organization activity I also had fun activity with my friends. For me who came from another city, off course, I intereseted exploring what is an exciting places in this city, Solo. Klewer Market, Pusat Grosir Solo (PGS), Solo Grand Mall, The Surakarta Royal Building, Batik Producing Center : Kauman and Laweyan, Klithikan Market, Legi Market, Tawangmangu, and many more. There is so many exciting place. Sometimes I wish I can live and work on there.

My lecturer was judging that I am suitable to be a researcher, politicians, and the other job which are need to meet many people“

Now for the last, I would tell you about my lecturer’s judgement about me. Some day I have discuss time with some lecturers in my major study. Not only one lecturer comment about me but there are many.  But for now I would write only two lecturer. Firstly, is Professor Darsono. He is a smart and grounded lecturer. He has many friends in Senayan. I mean many politicians. Politician works at Senayan so I used Senayan that refers to a politician. Not only great politicians he knew but also president, minister, chairman of party, and many more a great people in Indonesia. Professor Darsono said that I am suitable to be a researcher, politicians, and the other job which are need to meet many people. That was amazing me how he can said about that. But I think so. I really like to meet many people because it makes me trying hardly to be the best person among them. I trust that because I ever proved that. I am completely sure that there is nothing impossible if we do every work hardly and let God handle the rest.

Let me continue it, second is, Mrs. Rhina. She is Deputy Dean of Agriculture Faculty. My faculty has three deputy dean and every deputy dean has different job. The first is handle about academic, The second is handle financial, and the third is handle student activity. Mrs. Rhina is the second, she is handle a financial field. Furthermore, She is my first-guide for my thesis. She ever gave me her judgment at my thesis exam. She said to me do not be statisfied quickly. She knows I have a big potential to make me such a great person.

Okay, that is all I can tell you. I separate this story into two parat because I can not wait to post this story until I finish it. I know it is not describe well my story. I can not use English as well as you can. But through this article I try to improve my English skill. I hope you enjoy it. Please leave your comment so I can know how does far I can narated my story. Thank you so much for reading. \(^-^)/

---THE END ----

Best Regards,

Mukhtar Habib
Email :
Facebook : Mukhtar Habib
Twitter : @mukhtarhabib
Skype : m.habiib

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Dear friends,
Annyong Haseyo,
Assalamu’alaikum warrahmatullahi wabarrakatuh,
This article I present to everyone who know me. I love you guys. You are my inspiration. I wish you for your healthy and wealthy life. Life is so much beautiful to do. Let us always think that this life is so much precious to sorrow. God blesses you all.

Now, in this good chance, I would try to give you a highlight over past 4 years when I studied. The story about my effort to get a Bachelor’s degree in Sebelas Maret University Surakarta or as spoken as UNS Solo, and surrounding of that. The story about all my activities when I studied at UNS Solo. I guess it can not clearly describe my activities when that time as well as in Indonesian version but I would try my best in every chance. Through this paper I am trying to write my article in English so I apologize if my English is not totally good and so does my story, I know I am not a good-author.

"Actually I am not so much like with physics lesson. Yess, that is my based-reason when I chose my focus study"

Okay, Let me begin, I would start from the earliest. After I graduated from 5 senior high school Semarang, Central Java, in 2006, I had a plan continuing to university degree. I am not an idealist person, I mean I didn’t so much mind with my university but I think state university is the best choice. STAN and UGM are university which was ignored me. But, that was not made me sad because sad doesn’t solve the problem. Then, like the other graduated-high school student I took a part at SPMB test. SPMB is abbreviation of Seleksi Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru. You must be know what is SPMB so I don’t need to more explain it. I choose three major study that are first is Agrobusiness at UNS, second is Soil Scince at UNS, and third is at UNDIP. The third choice I forget what a major study I chose maybe public administration or maybe trade administration but it is not a big deal. Let me continue. And then, I had passed SPMB exam. My first choice is my candidate bachelor’s degree that is Agrobusiness at UNS. The one and only state university in Surakarta, Central Java. Do you know that I knew the SPMB result when I went to Ungaran small-mountain together with my best friends, Coploxthox. That was an unforgettable experience. Coploxthox has as member that are me, Blek, Kaled, Jigoong, Diko, Hendi, Ivan, Gembong, Lambe, and that was featuring Barjo. Back to the beginning, I ever confused my focus study which I will take. Actually I am not so much like with physics lesson. Yess, that is my based-reason when I chose my focus study. Then I chose a major study which does not have a physics based, finally I chose Agrobusiness as my first priority. That meant I am trying to forget everything about physics based. By shortly, I move on to Surakarta (well known with Solo) which UNS is located. UNS is abbreviation of Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret which has 9 faculty, UNS also has master degree program. Faculty of Agriculture is my faculty and Socio-Economics Agriculture/Agrobusiness is my major study.

Finally after registering I am an university student 2006. In first semester, off course, I have new friends who came from different city. I try to make friends with them. I only have one friend in beginning that is Antok. We was come from same high school. During a new-student orientation or we called Osmaru, I always drop in first to his boarding house every morning before go to campuss. I put my motorcycle on there because we do not allow by senior to carry out own car or motorcycle. Antok and me, come and leave campuss together in every day during Osmaru. And then, Osmaru has finished, we are in class then. I had new experience which never got it in high school such as : a study plan card, moving class, and anymore. In first year, we didn’t recognize yet all of our friends. But year by year, finally we recognized every students who are Agrobusinessers.

In my first year, I was given three big job. I know I was hate this job. I was hate people who are organized it. The first, I join in organizing committe. A committe to elect coordinator of 2006. At my first chance I become a chief of the committe after an election between us. I am shock after that. I never think something which I hate it then become a thing that I have to do. But I am trying over and over again to make me deserve occupied that job. I am having learn with my senior about how to organize a committe well or how to be a good leader. As you know, there is not easy like I think eventhough I have learned from my senior because it is about how to conquer myself. I know this may caused my first time I lead of a group. There are many plans that don’t like as well as our plan schedule. After our hard-working we have finished it finally. We got a coordinator of 2006 that is Deni Purnama from Agronomy Department.

The second big job for me that is I become a candidate of member of student council. Student council is the highest student organization in Faculty of Agriculture. That means someone who to be a candidate of student council must have an ability, a knowledge, communication skill better than others because the other student organization such as : Student Executive Board (BEM), Department Student Organization (HMJ), or Student Activity Club are under-ordered by Student Council. So, it definitely makes me think over and over again. I know it is really hard for me who is student in first year. I think someone who to be a member of Student Council must have an experiences in the other organization before. I mean he/she is someone who is the best in Faculty of Agriculture. And Finally I didn’t work as well as my General Chairman of Department Student Organization expect.

And the third big job for me that is Agriculture Sports and Arts Week or we called it Pekan Seni dan Olahraga Pertanian (PSOP). It is an event which I never forget it. I become know how to organize a committe through this event. I become know how is the way to unified all over 2006 through this event. I get closer with Deputy Dean of Agriculture Faculty and the others Officer of Faculty of Agriculture. I become know my senior in Faculty of Agriculture. That was very exciting event in my campuss story. I miss it so much. I miss all of my friends who struggled it. I miss when we must work overtime. I miss when we are sleeping in the class because we are so tired after all. I miss all of story inside it.

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Foto dan Narasi Saya

Kawan-kawan halo apa kabarnya yaa?? Mudah-mudahan dalam kondisi sehat wal'afiat ya. Halooo ketemu lagi yaa dg postingan baru saya, serasa penulis handal aja ya bisa bilang seperti itu. Tapi gak apa-apa dong namanya juga blog pribadi bebas dong nulis apa aja. Maaf ya kalau ada yg gak suka .. :peace: (^-^)v

Kali ini saya coba menyampaikan beberapa foto HIMASETA (Himpunan Mahasiswa Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian) UNS Solo. Iseng saja saya posting di blog saya. Mencoba membangkitkan memori dan juga berlatih menulis kali ya. Here I go, jreeeeeeeengg .............

Gambar pertama ini merupakan Dewan Presidium Himaseta Periode Kepengurusan 2009/2010. Sudah setahun berlalu tapi kenangan ini tidak akan pernah terlupakan. Bismillah..Saya perkenalkan satu per satu, He is the First as a General Chairman/Ketua Umum, Mukhtar Habib, SP. Kemudian Joko Adiyanto (bachelor's candidate) atau yang lebih sering dipanggil Antok yaitu sebagai Sekretaris Umum. Dalam hal ini memilih sekretaris lelaki adalah supaya lebih mudah diajak diskusi dan mungkin karena sesama gender kalau diajak diskusi lebih santai kali ya. Ya itu lah alasannya. Selanjutnya adalah Maharani Triwidiyaningsih, SP sebagai Bendahara Umum. Rr. Dwi Kusuma Mutasi (bachelor's degree on June) sebagai Ketua Bidang Pendidikan dan Penalaran. Dia yang satu ini memiliki banyak nickname seperti Jenkbu, mbak oror, bu ketua, dan lain-lain. Feel free to call her. Selanjutnya, Ketua Bidang Manajemen Keanggotaan yaitu Gebriyan Isabella Sebayang, SP. Gaby terkenal tegas kreatif inovatif tapi hati-hati aja kalau dia udah ngotot punya ide bisa-bisa dimakan kalau ada yang berani menentang. Just kidding, geby. Terus selanjutnya ada Dinar Tresnawati, SP sebagai Ketua Bidang Profesi. Beliau yang satu ini bertanggung jawab terhadap penanaman dan pengembangan profesi setiap mahasiswa Himpunan Mahasiswa Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian. Kalau saya panggil dia "teteh" karena dia orang Sunda. Teteh ini suka bingungan tapi dia ini pekerja keras dan cinta banget sama staff nya. Salute for her. Selanjutnya, Marco Arief Pramudita, SP as a Head of Press Department. Marco ini sangat loyalis terhadap HIMASETA bagaimana tidak. Dia 3 periode ada di organisasi ini, dan dua kali menjabat ketua bidang, dan selain itu, di dua periode menjadi ketua bidang dia selalu dipusingkan oleh masalah kerajinan dan kedisplinan staff tetapi dia tetap sukses menjalankan program kerja nya lho. He is so awesome. Dan yang terakhir, Wahyudi Prasetyo, SP sebagai Head of Public Relation Department. Mas wahyudi ini sangat kalem sekali tetapi sangat paham betul tentang keorganisasian mahasiswa dengan berjuta pengalamannya. Great memoriam when HIMASETA had together in social charity at Bukuran, Kalijambe, Sangiran, Sragen by Public Relation Department. Warm hugs for all to you.
Oke sekian dulu tentang gambar yang satu tadi, dan kita lanjut ke gambar selanjutnya..

Ini adalah Himaseta Batik Fashion Week. Good looking kan mereka semua. Iya dong Himaseta gituu. Momen ini adalah satu yang juga unforgettable, meskipun semuanya tak terlupakan sih, dari event ini Himaseta memiliki suatu wadah bagi yang sudah tidak lagi jadi mahasiswa. Yess itu adalah Ikatan Alumni Pengurus  Himaseta. Tapi sayang sekali the big project ini tidak sampai kepada the biggest one yaitu, Ikatan Alumni Himaseta. Ada alasan bagus yang menginspirasi lahirnya gagasan itu tapi apalah itu hanya jadi sebuah rencana. Keep in touch guys. We loved Himaseta. All Hail Himaseta. Oiya lupa ngenalin. Foto pertama (kiri-kanan) diki, antok, habib, tyo, wahyudi, bagus eko, dan rohmat. Foto kedua (atas dari kiri-kanan) eca, sukma, tyo, ragil, abid, pepi, dan kiki. (bawah dari kiri-kanan) geby, rohmat, antony, dan diki. I love so much with this picture, anyway

Dan ini adalah foto bazaar kecilnya HIMASETA saat UNS AgriExpo di Fakultas Pertanian. Kalau diperhatikan apa yang dijual ya kok banyak SPG dan SPB nya. Yang terlihat cuma beberapa piala, entah juara apa aja itu atau cuma pajangan aja milik himpunan mahasiswa lain. Tapi gak lah, itu adalah milik HIMASETA. Terima kasih Yuan, Pepi, Antok, Rani feat. Anthony, Kokon. Kami suka Semanggattttnyaa. Keep on fire guys. By the way, yang lagi nangkring di belakang pake baju item itu Geby lho. Mirip lagi akting foto buat sampul majalah aja kamu.

Dan ketiga foto di atas adalah masa persidangan dalam Musyawarah Anggota XII HIMASETA Tahun 2010. Sangat berat menceritakan kisah ini, karena dengan berakhirnya Musyawarah Anggota XII ini berakhir pula nama besar HIMASETA di Fakultas Pertanian UNS. Ya mungkin seperti itu dulu preface dari Musyawarah Anggota XII, mungkin dulu saya pernah posting artikel tentang berakhirnya HIMASETA jadi saya tidak perlu menceritakannya ulang atau mungkin belum, maaf saya lupa. Kalau memang belum di lain waktu saya posting. Oke bicara tentang foto pertama, adalah pimpinan sidang sementara Musyawarah Anggota XII yang dimandatkan kepada Sekretaris Umum (Antok), dibantu dua orang staff Bidang Kesekretariatan yang saat itu diwakili oleh Muthi'ah dan Linda. Well done guys, you are our front-liner. Foto kedua di atas adalah pimpinan sidang tetap Musyawarah Anggota XII yaitu Tyo, Bela, dan Reny. Si Tyo ngantuk, Bela ndomblong, dan Reny asyik sms pacarnya. Maklum deh mereka kecapekan, jenuh, dan gak fokus sidang nya kan berhari-hari. Buat Tyo ini adalah kedua kali nya menjadi pimpinan sidang, dan mungkin dia adalah satu-satunya anggota yang pernah melakukannya sejak HIMASETA berdiri. But, Thanks so much guys you did successfully. Dan ini dia foto ketiga yang agak kacau, namanya mas Adam Agusta. Cinta banget dia sama HIMASETA sampai-sampai di foto di samping lambang kenegaraan kita, dia dengan percaya diri berkaoskan HIMASETA gitu. Perhatikan dengan baik-baik lambang di dada kanan mas Adam, sama kan dengan lambang yang ada di belakang nya. Thanks for you, the loyalist.

Okay, I must finish it. I don't have any photos anymore. Banyak dokumentasi yang tidak saya punya, banyak tertinggal di komputer sekretariat tapi sekarang sudah kita hibahkan untuk Kamagrista. Kami selalu berdoa kalian lebih baik dari kami. But if you know, for us, HIMASETA tak tergantikan, HIMASETA tetap di hati kami, HIMASETA mendidik kami. Thank you so much HIMASETA. Long live HIMASETA.

Well, I will continue our contact with another article. I am still trying to finish my article in English. I hope I can finish soon. Thank you for reading. Saya tahu postingan ini tidak lebih bagus dari apa pun tapi seperti yang saya sampaikan di awal kalau ini adalah private page jadi suka-suka saya posting yang seperti apa. Tapi saya tetap welcome dengan saran, kritik, dan komentar pembaca sekalian. I apologize I put your name without any permission. Sekali lagi, Terima Kasih .. \(^-^)/

Best Regards,

Mukhtar Habib, SP
Email & YM :
Facebook : Mukhtar Habib
Twitter : @mukhtarhabib
Skype : m.habiib
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